Friday, May 16, 2014

Mesa AZ Dentist Dental Implant Supported Denture Types

Two Types of Implant Supported Dentures 

There are two different types of implant supported dentures; the bar-retained and the ball-retained. Both dentures are made of an acrylic base that resembles your gums and porcelain or acrylic teeth that look natural which are attached to that base. Both kinds of the implant supported dentures requires at least two implants for support.

Bar-retained Denture Dental Implant: 

The Bar-retained Denture is a thin metal bar that follows the curve of your jaw and attached to two implants, or as many as five implants that would be placed in the jawbone. Clips and other attachments are fitted to the bar or denture, possibly both. The denture fits over the bar and is securely clipped in place by the attachment.

Dental Implant Supported Denture Types Mesa AZ Dentist
Click here to schedule your free Dental Consultation

Ball (Stud) - retained Denture Dental Implant:

Each implant in the jawbone holds a metal attachment that fits on the denture to another attachment. In most cases the attachments on the denture are ball shaped and fit into sockets. Sometimes the denture will hold the ball shaped attachment and the implant will hold the socket that the ball shaped attachment fits into. This type of denture implant can also be used on the upper jawbone.

Call 480-924- 2300 to schedule your complementary dental implant consultation today or visit our Robison Dental Group Mesa AZ Office at 2855 E. Brown Rd, Suite 23 Mesa, AZ. 85213

1 comment:

  1. Was not at all aware of these two types of dentures. Immense pain in wisdom tooth is quite irritating for me also. But going to the clinic is making me more conscious. Someone suggested going for dentist Hermosa Beach without giving a second thought. May be will go for dental insurance before getting the treatment done.
