Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dental Implant Supported Dentures Mesa AZ Cosmetic Dentist

Dental Implant Supported Dentures 

An implant supported Denture is a type of Dental Implant that’s supported by implants. They are not like traditional dentures which rest on the gums and no implant support. They are more stable and there is less risk of an implant supported denture moving or falling out.

Implant supported dentures are used when there aren't many teeth left in the jaw, but there is enough jawbone to support the implants. Implant supported Dentures are usually made for the lower jaw. With more traditional dentures the lower jaw is more unstable. They can also be made to fit the upper jaw.
The Dental implants are placed more to the front of the jaw bone rather than the back because there are less nerves that could get in the way of the Dental implant being placed. Two surgeries are typically needed for the Dental implant supported denture.

Mesa AZ Dentist Dental Implants and Dentures
Click here to schedule your free Dental Implant consultation

The First Dental Implant Surgery 

Dr. Robison will place the implants in the jawbone under the gums.

The Second Dental Implant Surgery 

Dr. Robison will expose the tops of the implants. This surgery happens 3 to 6 months after the first. Sometimes a one stage procedure is used, This means that the implants and the supporting bar are placed at the same time.

Take out your Implant supported denture at night and for cleaning. Make sure to clean around attachment carefully. 

Call 480-924- 2300 to schedule your complementary dental implant and denture consultation today or visit our Robison Dental Group Mesa AZ Office at 2855 E. Brown Rd, Suite 23 Mesa, AZ. 85213

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